Welcome to all things Baby Stone-Johnson. Corrie and I have broken down and decided to try our hands at this blog thing. Having been avid readers of other peoples private lives for some time now, it seems only fair to allow every man woman and child on earth with a laptop and too much free time into our lives as well.
For the most part, this is simply designed for family and friends. Anybody that doesn't know us that happens to come across this site by accident will no doubt be stunned at how dull our lives are, but you're welcome to browse. We'll try to keep this site fresh with interesting tidbits, but for the most part, it'll be a repository of cute pictures, short video clips, and lessons learned by first time parents.
Lastly, before we're completely overwhelmed by all things baby (no, we're not telling anybody what names we're considering yet), let me just post the first, and probably only shot of our practice child. Wally, the next few years are going to be rough on you.

Congrats on the pregnancy! My husband and I are in the 7th month of our first pregnancy, so we fully understand what you'll be going through. Wouldn't have posted to your mostly private blog, but just wanted to share that this will be the most amazing journey you'll ever take!
2:27 PM
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