
As an update, we’re officially at 29.5 weeks along in this process. Full term is 40 weeks. Babies have been born as early as 24 weeks. Premature refers to babies born before 37 weeks. Most doctors will induce if Corrie goes as far as 41 weeks +.
So all in, we’re looking at another 7 weeks minimum before our daughter can come, such that the birth isn’t TOO early. I remember thinking back at week 8, “sweet lord, 32 more weeks is a lifetime.” Even today, waiting another 7-10 weeks is hard.
(February 23rd for the mathematically challenged out there)
Of course we’re trying to ‘enjoy’ our sleep, and free time these days. There are still chores that we need to take care of. The more winter we can get through before she comes, the better. The further from Christmas, the more likelihood she’ll get separate birthday and Holiday gifts when she’s older.
And on a different level, it seems the whole point of this crazy process, if nothing else, is to practice patience. Call it a warm up for fussy eaters, fit-full sleepers, and high-pitch screaming. So I’m practicing my breathing. Visualizing a happy place. But after holding yet another 2-week old baby boy yesterday, I just can’t wait to meet our daughter.
(If she goes past 40 weeks my head may just explode)
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