Monday Morning Mia
Sorry for the late post, but Ben is at a conference and Mia and I are home alone. Even Walter is out in the country. We're doing just fine on our own, but free time is a bit of a luxury. Mia is on a nap-strike, so I'll just post a quick note.
Mia is growing and learning in leaps and bounds now. She is standing up on everything in sight and trying to begin to cruise around on furniture. She will also let go while standing, which is frightening to watch because she of course isn't ready to stand on her own yet.
We traveled to DC this past weekend to visit friends. As usual, Mia did superbly on the plane, although it is getting more difficult. She doesn't want to sit for long periods of time, so she did get antsy on the flight, but not terribly so. We went to the National Zoo on Saturday and saw the pandas. Mia actually did get to see the father panda as he ate his lunch, and she looked like she was enjoying watching him. We got to visit with old friends and their now almost-2-year-old son, and other friends we haven't seen in a long time. It was a great trip, although too short.
Our camera ran out of batteries when we reached DC, so I don't have any photos to post. This will have to suffice in the meantime.

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