All things Baby, all the time.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday Morning Mia

Poor Mia is sick today. Most likely, she is suffering from the stomach bug that has been going around our fine city. Yesterday she seemed in pretty good spirits, but today she's acting sick. She's back down now after sleeping pretty much through the night, and I think she'll sleep most of the day today.

Mia and Walter are coping pretty well with the impending move to the new house. Walter seems a little uncertain as to what's going on and gets nervous when we leave the house. Mia, though, seems delighted that there is more room in the dining room to drive her car and more boxes to play with and empty. Grandma came up this weekend to help Ben and me pick up some items and move them to the new place. We also had to shovel out the walk of the new house--late season snowstorm left us with 9 inches of snow and slush to remove.

The house is coming along swimmingly. The office and bath/laundry room are painted and just beautiful. Ben painted most of Mia's room and is going to finish the rest tonight--he was called home yesterday to help with the sick baby and didn't get to finish the job.

No new pictures of Mia this week, although Ben did get some great video which I'm sure he'll post later on. We do have pictures of the new baby, though.


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