Monday Morning Mia--Walter Edition *Updated*

Just a quick post this morning. Walter isn't feeling well so Ben brought him over to the vet. He is inexplicably limping and not acting like his usual Wally self.
We'll update with Mia stories and Walter chronicles later on.
Unfortunately, we learned that Walter has Lyme Disease. He's on antibiotics and painkillers and seems to feel much better today. But yesterday he was just a shell of his usual self. He was quiet, lethargic, and sat around all day on his chair. He has some of his pep back but is still not 100% himself. He got lots of extra hugs from Mia and a few more treats than usual, which I'm sure contributed to his speedy recovery.
Thanks for checking in!
Oh no Walter! I hope he feels better soon! The picture of him is THE BEST EVER. Too bad he's feeling sick in it. :( Sarah
1:20 PM
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