All things Baby, all the time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hanging in

It's been so long since I've posted. Luckily Ben has taken over the reins for a while. I've been traveling for school, starting a new project in the UK of all places, and generally trying to keep my head above water with work, writing, mommying, and life in general. Everything is good, but there are so many adjustments going on at once it's hard to keep track.

The biggest adjustment is Mia's entry into school. So far she seems to really enjoy it. We walked from our house to school today, and as soon as she saw the corner before the school she said, "Friends! Hi friends!" I think she likes her new classroom. When we walk in she immediately goes to her cubby. She knows where all her favorite things to do are in the room, and she seems to like all of her teachers. The initial transition has been only mildly challenging. She has cried on 2 of the days I dropped her off, but seemed to be content on all of the others. When I pick her up she looks happy and she's always talkative about her day as we make our way back home.

While she can say more words than I can count, I do wish she could tell me a little bit more about what happens at school. She can answer yes and no questions but not any questions that require a developed response. I know this will change over time, but I'm eager to learn more about what happens while we're apart. I'm very used to dropping her off for babysitting, but this feels different somehow.

Back to work for me. The young babe sleeps, and I must charge forward.


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