All things Baby, all the time.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Musings

Once again, we've let time slip away without a regular post on our girl. Without any profound insights to share, here there are a few random thoughts (and the obligatory bad hair shots of Mia).

Uncle Matt came to help do some work on the house this weekend, for which we will be eternally grateful. We're dealing with a leak in our foundation that needs to be patched from the outside, so he came up to dig like a mule in freezing weather, and all he got for it was half a six pack and a chance to teach his niece a few new catch phrases.

Mia has learned a few new tricks lately, ranging from the practical (putting her jacket on the floor in front of her and flipping it over her head to put it on), to the adorable (carrying her baby around with her everywhere), to the diabolic (who knew it was so much fun to ram her toy stroller into the dog all day?) Call me biased, but I prefer when she tries to put on my shoes.

We finally got to see "Gone baby gone" this weekend, after hearing endlessly how it was the new quintessential 'Boston' movie. It's a decent movie, and I'd recommend it to people with the caveat that this City isn't really that full of ugly people, but it's focused on what it means to be of and from the neighborhood. Our daughter could presumably become one of those old-timers ranting on and on about how "she was born and raised in Boston", in a way that Corrie and I never could. We'll try to discourage the accent, but you know what kids can pick up on the street.

Lastly, I was playing with her tonight before reading her bedtime stories, and threw out a doodle on her drawing pad. Not sure what it's about, but I'm very proud of the final product. If any modern art investors are out there, you can reach me in our comment section.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

discourage the accent? why in the world would you do that?

6:35 PM


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