All things Baby, all the time.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Crib Jumping

Friends with two came over this morning for a laid back brunch, and a good time was had by all. Walter was as usual far too familiar with everybody, rushing right in for the deep kissing, but he eventually calmed down. Mia took some time warming up to her new guests, but after some circling of each other, some reluctant sharing of toys, they went off to go play by themselves.

Which is how she learned to climb into her crib on her own. We tried to get her to show us exactly how it was done, but she couldn't pull it off without some help. So we've already rearranged her room today, something that was long overdue anyway.

She actually back to sleeping in her toddler bed as I type this, which I'm very happy about, but before we relabel the crib for the boy, its worth noting just how much fun a crib can be.

So here's Mia and Joey having big fun, with young Emma watching on confused.


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