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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

For the Dads out there

We've gotten our first 'stranger' hit today, which in itself was somewhat exciting. For the life of me, I'll never understand how somebody found this site without us Guilt-ing them into visiting. We'll keep the focus on family and friends, but let me just add something for our ever growing fan base.

A good friend loaned me a copy of yet another father-centric pregnancy book, and I'll admit, I had my doubts at first. I'd already seen the guide put out by Alan Thicke (yes, that Alan Thicke)

"every father at one point or another has wanted to punch their child in the face."

And other such pearls of wisdom. Other guides take the more remedial husband approach.

"while she's pregnant, why don't you do the laundry or cook Her dinner for once. It will show her you care."

Which begs the question, how have you been able to stay married this long without ever doing the laundry or cooking dinner?

In the cannon of fatherhood guides however, The Birth Partner stands out as just about the best resource for what we as otherwise secondary actors from this point on need.

Without pausing for the squeamish ones out there, it goes into startling detail on how to deliver a baby in the back of a cab, if you need to. How to tell false labor from "Get your butt to the hospital toot-sweet" labor. Things she might say during the hard part along with the tongue in cheek advice,

"Don't worry. They will most likely apologize later."

I'm about half way through at this point, and ready to give an undergraduate lecture on pharmaceuticals and bio-chemistry. So if you're looking for something actually helpful, this one stands heads and shoulders above the others.

(Thanks Andy for this one)


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