All things Baby, all the time.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Atomic Tangerine

Doesn’t it just sound tough, yet feminine?

I have to be the worst painter in the world though. What a sloppy job. This weekend was devoted to starting the nursery, and what a tortured affair it was. It was a mess before, and will probably be a mess up until late February, but at least it's a more colorful mess now.

(before when it was a mess in red)

First rule for next time: Try actually taking furniture out of the room before painting. Didn’t spill orange on everything, but spent half the time wedged in a two foot corridor between wet paint, and the desk/futon/loose papers/books/rugs/lamps, etc piled in a massive heap in the middle of the room.

Second rule: Don’t try to save time by skipping the primer. We were painting over a dark rusty red/brown, which means four coats of light orange were required before the dark streaks began to fade. Third rule: wait until the first coat dries before starting the second coat. Nothing more depressing than watching paint peel off the wall like rubber when you go over it with a roller.

Mandatory self-deprecation aside, at least the color looks great.

(after, and yet still a mess)


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