Test Drive
While enjoying the freakishly good weather the other day, walking around the pond, we ran into a good friend with her 2-month-old boy. Had a beautiful walk, purging ourselves of all the Baby related talk we’re trying so hard to contain in mixed company, and ended up being invited over for some left over birthday cake. Now, she could have easily walked her son home from where we were, but we brow beat her into letting us try out our car seat. Couldn’t have asked for a better subject.

(We'll be taking this walk almost daily this spring)
Little Ian was made to be a test subject. He sits and smiles no matter what you’re doing, and cries about once a season from all we’ve seen. While babysitting him the other night, he giggled and drooled through most of “the 40-year old virgin” as we hoped he wouldn’t learn his first words that night.
So it took some arm bending, nudging and folding of baby to get him into the car seat, but in the end it worked out just fine. We got to his house, popped the seat off the base and he barely noticed. Now I’m sure he would have been just as content if we lashed him to the roof with some twine, he’s that kind of kid, but it still feels like a minor victory. Not often one gets to practice on a live test subject.
And if nothing else, we know we’re better parents than some people out there.
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