How could I not write about Thor?
Corrie had fallen in with a local Mommies gang recently and heard through the grapevine about a house sitting opportunity right around the time she was due. As luck would have it, another local mom was leaving for two and a half weeks and needed somebody to watch the house and walk their dog while they were away. We jumped at the chance as a way to put up family when they came to town without forcing them to share our couch. It's always nicer to stay in a real place, especially with your own kitchen and TV. This way visitors could wake up on their own schedule (as opposed to Mia's) read the paper and have a cup of coffee before coming over).
Thor, the dog that comes with the house, is fairly low maintenance. He just goes out back for a few seconds each day, for the most part because he has no hair. He's a great dog, very well behaved and a bundle of fun, but I wouldn't be lying to say he's "interesting looking". If 'Character' were people, this dogs face would be China. His skin is dry and wrinkly, with dark freckles covering his body where wisps of stringy white hair don't sprout. He has to wear a fleece vest during the winter to stay warm, giving him a dog's version of a farmers tan.
I mention Thor now, only because, through a series of unfortunate events, he was to be left alone for a night last night. We felt bad for the poor bugger, so decided to bring him over to our place to keep him company. We were missing Walter anyway, and figured he'd appreciate the attention.
Didn't work out quite as we planned. First off, he hated the idea of going in his crate, and really wasn't on board with taking a short car ride to our place. By the time I brought him, his food and water bowls, special blanket and treats up our stairs, this 5 lb terror was absolutely apoplectic. I come upstairs to find Mia fussing and crying, let Thor out and he immediately proceeds to pee on every flat surface in the house. I chase him around for about 10 minutes with paper towels and spray before giving in and sticking him back in his crate, hoping he'd go to sleep. Well, he really didn't take to that plan and started screaming like we were pulling his nails out.
Figuring this was not a workable situation, I packed up his gear and took him back to his house, Thor continuing to protest the whole way back. He's much happier now, left at home on his own, and we were able to sleep somewhat better without him. At least we tried though.
So without further ado, say hello to Thor.

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