Posty post
Sometimes we post not for any reason, so much as for the pure joy of posting. It’s a Sunday morning, and the rest of the family is sleeping. Walter is playing his favorite game, hiding his pig ear somewhere in the house before whining at my feet for me to get up and find it. It’s finally warm enough in Boston to open the windows. NPR is of course on in the kitchen.
Corrie has been working up a list of “foods that are easy to eat over a baby’s head”. Chicken noodle soup, not so good (the noodles tend to slide off the spoon). What you need is a nice cohesive chili. Muslix, with just enough milk to congeal it, is also a crowd pleaser. Let me stress, this is all theoretical experimentation. Nothing has yet dripped onto her head that I know of.
I've been trying to read to her, just to get her used to the sound of my voice. Currently into a book outlining the history of radical militia groups in the pacific northwest, but if it's read in a sing-song voice, it sounds like a bedtime story. (there's some disagreement about that apparently)
Mia has been a ball and is having tremendous fun these days. She is hours away from finding her thumb, currently content to sticking her whole fist in her slobbering mouth. Once she makes this leap, it’s akin to having an indestructible binky that nobody can take away. Our hope is this will help her sleep better if her bink falls out in the night.
She’s also getting better about voicing her concerns, and not going straight to an all out wail. A few well placed grunts tends to get her what she wants, and anything we can do to teach her moderation is a step we want to take. She is becoming quite the benevolent queen of her own soft kingdom.

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