Monday Morning Mia

We're early this morning. Mia has figured out the sleep thing again. Almost too well, in fact. We had quite a whirlwind weekend, and she's sleeping it off. She went to bed at 6 last night, woke up at 9 when Ben came home from New York, and then slept again until 7:30. After 30 minutes of rolling around, she was back down again. I'm learning that sleep is really a luck of the draw thing. We don't do anything special or different from anyone else, we just happen to have a child who loves to sleep. I feel bad talking about how much she sleeps since almost everyone else we know has babies that don't sleep so regularly, but really, it's in no way attributable to anything we do. She just loves to sleep.
Last week was Mia's first trip to Cape Cod. We went to visit friends who were up from New York, and since it's only an hour and a half away we packed up all of our belongings and headed south. Mia did not care for the ocean, but found the sand quite delicious. While we were talking, she shoveled a handful of wet sand into her mouth. She didn't seem to upset about it, so we weren't worried. She seemed to not like the water--whether it was the temperature or the waves we aren't certain. She was quite smitten with our friends' 9 month old son Jake, however. Keep posted here for wedding details.

Friday Ben headed to NY to visit a friend who has been ill for a while, so Grandma came back up from Brooklyn to help out. Helping out really means helping me with Walter. Remarkably, he's more work than the baby. He's the one who gets up early and needs the most attention.
On Saturday we went to Coolidge Corner to get Mia some new toys, books and clothes. Success on all fronts. She now is the proud owner of a jaunty chapeau, 6 pairs of socks that actually fit, a set of car keys, stacking cups, a tambourine, and a few new books.
That afternoon, we all went for a walk around the neighborhood, and Grandma and I tried Mia on the swings. I don't think I've ever seen her quite so excited. She laughed and smiled and ate the rubber swing. I'm so excited, because the playground is very close to our house and is an easy walk to make every day. Plus, it's right down the street from the bakery, so both Mia and I have reasons to smile. On the way home from the park, Mia babbled and babbled. Both my Mom and I swore that Mia said, "I love you Daddy!" but so far Mia hasn't repeated it to Ben.

Yesterday, left to our own devices, Mia and I went back to the bookstore to pick up some more books for her. She befriended everyone in the store, making sure that each and every person there knew that she got three new books. She's quite the little chatterbox these days. We came home and read the books and she was fast asleep by 6pm. I guess all the talking and reading are just too much for her little 6 month old self to handle.

New on the food front: bananas. Not very well received. Which is a shame, because she should really learn to love peanut butter and banana sandwiches. With the special peanut butter Ben brought back.

This week promises to be yet another busy one. We have two days of babysitting coop again, a new moms' group for moms working on dissertations, and, the biggie, a trip to Florida to see Grandpa, Uncle Mike and Aunt Jena, and Great-Grammy. Mia will also get to meet her only cousin for the first time. Photos to follow. We won't be back until Monday afternoon, so Monday Morning Mia may happen on Tuesday. Happy Labor Day!
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