Monday Morning Mia
We are slowly learning that as Mia grows, we take fewer and fewer pictures. I find myself scrambling on Mondays to snap a few photos to post. We've gone from hundreds of photos a week to just a handful. I never would have expected that we'd stop taking pictures every day. I'll need to work on this.

Another great week here. Mia went through a few days and nights of not wanting to sleep so much, but has thankfully decided that sleeping is more fun than being tired. She went to sleep at 8pm last night, woke up at 4 for a snack, and then slept until 9:30 this morning. That's a schedule I can live with.
Our first jog together was slow but successful. It's not as easy as it looks to jog with the stroller. First of all, I haven't run in more than a year and a half. Second, I'm not exactly at marathon weight. Then, it's hard to run without using your arms. If you are holding on to the stroller, you're just using your legs, which is surprisingly difficult. The stroller does have a special strap that you tie around your wrist, which allows you to push the stroller ahead and stay attached while running. But that's not easy either! All in all, we probably ran a mile and walked a mile or so. A good start, but a long road ahead to getting back in shape. At least we can do it together.
Ben and I went to our first post-baby movie on Saturday night. Grandma babysat and we saw "Little Miss Sunshine," which we can both heartily recommend. There was a lot of pressure to enjoy the movie, since we haven't been in so long, but we both laughed out loud, and the whole movie theater applauded at the end. The movie is kind of "Vacation" redone, in that it's about a wacky family's long-distance car trip, but it's even funnier in a lot of ways. A good movie, if you get a chance.
Mia continues to be more fun each day. She has become interested in her toys, as has the dog. I see a struggle in the near future.

We're off for a stroll. The weather is lovely, and we could use some fresh air.
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