To wean
We have taken away the binky.
Three days have passed and I think we've managed to break her spirit. At our last Dr. appointment, it was strenuously recommended that we take it away from her before it's too late, ie, she's old enough to go out and buy her own at the 24 hour binky district downtown. Co-workers shared stories of their kids, wandering around the house forelorn, pleading, "Binky, why hast thou foresaken me?". We wanted to nip this in the proverbial bud, and so embarked on operation cold turkey.

(Just one more pull, that's all I need)
Given our great kid, it really could have gone much worse. For the most part, she really needed the bink just to fall asleep, so on the first day, she just didn't sleep. Oh she had fun playing with her toys and being carried/pushed all over tarnation, but try to put her down for a nap and she would launch into an aria of screams and wails. finally, after some 15 hours of playing, she hit the wall and was down for the night. Day 2 followed much the same pattern, but on day three she finally took a nice morning nap, and a short break in the afternoon. Day three went more or less like any normal day.
The only question remaining now, is does this maker us "wean-ers" and her the "wean-ie"?
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