Monday Morning Mia -- Alarm Clock Catastrophe
Have you seen that Dunkin Donuts Commercial? Where everyone is running late, so they need to stop at Dunkin to get their new French Toast roll up? Well, we had an alarm clock catastrophe here. For the first time since we got Walter, we slept past our alarm. Actually, it didn't go off--in cleaning our room, we must have adjusted the volume. Anyway, we slept until close to 7 am, so we're in a bit of a tizzy around here getting Walter off to the park and Mia ready for babysitting.
Be that as it may, we owe you a MMM, as I neglected to put one up last week.
All is great around here. We're getting into the holiday season. Ben has been buying up gifts--he's very diligent like that. I have been procrastinating, although I have gotten several things for Mia. Our menorah is up from the basement and the wax has been cleaned off, and a wreath has been purchased, although we have nowhere to hang it. Mia has special dresses to wear for the holidays. Photos to follow.
Mia has been crawling like mad, and pulling herself up on everything in sight. Sevearl weeks ago, we bought new ottoman cubes for our living room, and they have turned out to be the perfect height for cruising babies.

In big news, we're pretty sure Mia said "duck" the other day in the bathtub. Scientific experimentation in a variety of contexts have been able to reproduce this phenomenon. So she now has two words--dog and duck. It's so cool to see language development.
And, because we've not really taken them, obligatory bathtime photos. We'll spare the internets our tushy photos, but here's a few good ones.

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