Happy Birthday Nate

Yesterday, April 5th 2008 at 5:35 pm, we finally met our boy, Nathaniel Jonah Johnson. 7 lbs, 14 oz, 20" long, healthy as could be with a full head of jet black hair. We'll do a more detailed play-by-play later, but most importantly, Corrie was able to avoid a C-section, despite some last minute (literally LAST MINUTE) drama.
Last night , for the first time since last Thursday (11 days ago), Corrie was able to sleep for more than 15 minutes without either recurring contractions, or stabbing back pain. Mia is happily being smothered with hugs and cookies by Grand mom back home, and we're scheduled to be released tomorrow morning. Walter is off at camp in CT, but soon enough we'll all be reunited as the nuclear family we had long dreamed of, 2 kids, a dog and a little pink house with a tomato garden in back.
(Pictures to follow as soon as we get the proper cables)
Woohoo! Happy Birthday, Nate! The world is so happy to have you in it! :)
3:55 PM
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