All things Baby, all the time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Made in the Shade

It's 96 degrees here today, so Nate and I are trying to stay indoors. He's sound asleep in his little crib next to my bed, and Walter is curled up next to me soaking up some of the cool AC. Teri Gross is on the radio, and I have miles and miles of data to analyze while I can.

Nate has turned into a bubbly, smiley little guy. His newborn days seem over, and he's become a fat and happy baby. He giggles and coos and loves to have his feet tickled. His favorite spot is underneath a ceiling fan, where he can watch the blades turn round and round. When Mia comes home and hugs him his whole face lights up and he starts kicking and jerking his arms and legs in glee. Let's hope the little brother love continues.


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