All things Baby, all the time.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Learning to Swim

Mia got a quick trip to CT this weekend, while Corrie and Nate stayed back in Boston. Funny enough, it was refreshing for each of us to remember how easy it was to be the parent of one child only. Nate slept relatively well, giving Corrie a peaceful and quiet house, while Mia got to run around and be the center of attention.

As for her time in CT, she saw some goats (cute) at a nearby farm, along with the cows and horses (scary), and got to feed the chickens pancakes for breakfast. A trip to the local lake started off badly, with our girl too afraid to dip her toes, but she quickly overcame that, and plunged repeatedly into the deep end of the kiddy area. More than one mother in CT wants to report me to the authorities, but Mia had a blast anyway.

The family is once again reunited, and both kids are exhausted, as is Walter.


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