Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Baby Book Update
Nate had his 7 month visit today.
22 lbs 2 oz
28.25 inches
That's our boy!
We're cleared to start feeding him yogurt and we can puree his Thanksgiving dinner for him. What a feast it will be!
Nate update
We've been sleeping better lately, in no small part to Nate's ravenous appetite. He'll pack away in a day the baby food that would sustain Mia for a week. Which means he isn't waking up to nurse nearly as much, which gives us all a little extra pep in our step. He's got three teeth that have come through, and can cross the room in the time it takes me to get a glass of water (going backwards that is. We're not yet at a standard forwards crawl.) He can raspberry. He can cluck
So before he formally takes over, well do what we can to keep him down. Not limited to keeping him in a box...
Or using Walter as a paper weight...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday (Mom edition)
Corrie and Nate were out of town for the weekend, so we had to postpone her birthday celebration for a few days. Nate had a decent weekend in DC, taking part in the festive atmosphere, and by all accounts handled the flights down and back home with dignity and aplomb.
(What me worry?)
Corrie requested, and of course then got, her Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Cream Cheese frosting and peanut butter fudge ganache , which really has to be tasted to be believed.
We're spending the rest of the evening softly moaning on the couch in gluttonous pain.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
For the baby book

Nate got his first tooth this weekend, bottom right. The little bumps have poked through his gums. The bottom left tooth is just below the surface as well, but it has not poked through yet. He's been happy through it all, never crying or seeming too uncomfortable. He will bite your finger off if you aren't careful, though.
He's also starting to crawl. He can get around a room fairly quickly on his belly and is beginning to pull up on to his hands and knees. He can sit for long periods of time now and is totally in love with Walter. He gets great joy out of holding toys in his hands and trying to see how they work, and he loves a good game of peekaboo.
Halloween was tons of fun this year. Mia really understood the whole costume thing and had great fun telling everyone not to worry because she wasn't really a skeleton, just wearing a costume. She also understood the whole candy thing--a bit too well. We limited her intake and by the next day she had forgotten she had a bagful.
It's getting cold here in Boston. Our yard is covered with autumn's last leaves and the mornings are dark and chilly. We bundle them up in fleece pajamas and tuck them in at night under warm covers. It's a great time of year.