Fun with lists
(or "Old people were cooler")
It's always a hoot to see what the rest of the world thinks about the things you like. Forbes just published a list of the most popular toys of the last 100 years. I for one never knew that Crayola crayons were invented in 1903. I always thought they just Were, like dirt. Obviously the 20's were less than truly Roaring with nothing better to speak of than "Madame Alexander Collectible Dolls". It's also surprising to learn that I used to love playing with a toy my grandparents enjoyed, the classic View-master:

That being said, Cabbage Patch kids and Beanie Babies have really faded over time. I'd rather get our daughter Shoots and Ladders than last decades fad. Either way, check out the list, see if you were a "mainstream" child or the only kid around staying up late in your room playing with Lincoln logs.
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