Home of the Whopper

(Update: Mispoke below, average baby weight is actually closer to seven and a half pounds, not 6. Don't know where I got that)
So we had our last ultrasound on Friday. We'll post the picture soon, but don't have electronic copies yet. The general idea for doing this so late in the game is to check that she's facing the right way, and get an idea of how big she might be. Might being the operable word here. These tests are notorious for being off, in some cases by a crucial margin. The good news is she's facing the right way.
Some background first. A typical baby is born at about 6 lbs. There's been a rash lately, at least among people we know of somewhat larger kids. 8 lbs counts as "big". 9 lbs is "Huge". World record is about 14, but they won't let you have a natural birth if the baby is near 10 lbs. It just isn't physically possible.
Secondly, our lit review on the subject tells us that at this late stage, they're fully formed, and are just getting bigger. On average they gain about half a pound a week.
So with about four weeks and change to go, the best minds available, and the most advanced technology (originally designed to locate submarines, ironically) are telling us that our daughter is about 6.5 lbs already.
You can do the math.
But they've been wrong about this kind of thing before.
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