New Year's Resolution

The goal for 2005 was to read at least one book a month by an author I was ashamed to have never read before. Kurt Vonegut, John Updike, Iris Murdock. E.B. White. etc. This year I'm thinking along similar lines, but looking for lesser known writers, or at least not the classics. So this is a call to all of our loyal readers (both of you that is). I'd love recommendations for any good books you've read that didn't make it on to the Oprah Book Club, or don't exist in penguin Classics editions. The more obscure the better. One a month shouldn't be too hard to do, even with a screaming child, so the goal is at least 12 suggestions. Feel free to use the comments section to avoid duplication. Thanks for the help with this.
If you have never read any Herman Hesse I would highly recommend it. Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, or Narcissus and Goldmund would do. Short enough to read in a sleep deprived month. Though, I'm sure you both are going to have one of those babies that sleeps 10 hours through the night, starting day one. However, if you do, please keep it to yourself.
9:46 AM
Also, The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill . The targeted age group for this book is for 9 - 12 year olds, but you didn't really specify.
9:51 AM
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