Monday Morning Mia (on Tuesday)

Happy July 4!
We couldn't write yesterday because we were in Connecticut, enjoying a long weekend with Ben's parents and some friends. The July 4 visit has become somewhat of a tradition, as it is during the July 4 weekend that Garrison Keillor comes to Tanglewood to present his Prairie Home Companion. We've gone for the last several years, and we were so excited to finally bring Mia with us.

It seemed like there were a lot more babies than usual, but perhaps that is because now we notice babies. Mia had a great time, and managed to stay awake for most of the show, but finally fell asleep on the lawn at the very end.
Mia's newest trick is being able to almost sit up unsupported. She makes a little sort of table, putting her hands down in front to support. She wants to sit up all the time. If she is resting in the carseat or in the bouncy seat, she'll lean forward to get up. It must be frustrating to not be able to do it by herself, but she's hanging in there.

As for the sleep, well, we must have been a bit too smug. What used to be a peaceful nightly ritual has become a bit of a power struggle. We lose every time. She wants no part of going to bed any more. She just wants to be held, to be rocked, to play. It takes multiple attempts from multiple people to get her to finally give into sleep. It's not like she's not tired--she rubs her eyes, yawns, and generally has a glazed look to her big blue eyes. It seems like she just wants to stay up and be with us, but it might also be that she's hungry. Nursing is more difficult for her now, as she's distracted by the slightest movement. Nurse, smile at mom, nurse, look at the sunlight on the sofa, nurse, watch Walter jump off the couch. Since she's not eating as much at each feeding, she's probably also hungry at night. Which means that not only is she not going to sleep, she's not staying asleep. I actually don't mind waking up that much--it's nice and dark and quiet and she'll nurse herself back to sleep. It's just a very different phase that we are in right now. It's too bad she can't take sleeping lessons from the dog--he's a pro.

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