Monday Morning Mia

One of the bloggers I like to read does a piece each Monday morning about her youngest daughter. I think it's a great idea, so I'm going to "borrow" it. I present you with the first installment of Monday Morning Mia.
Today, Mia is four months old. It's nearly impossible for me to believe how quickly the time has passed. She's a completely different person, and in such a short time. She is beginning to form a personality now--she has things she finds funny, such as feet and the sound of Ben and me imitating his cell phone's new ring tone. She has likes, such as watches and other people's fingers, and dislikes, such as wet diapers and swimming in cold water. When she wakes up in the morning, she smiles so big, it's like she's amazed that everything is exactly where she left it when she fell asleep. She has developed into quite a little sleeper. She has become very dependent on her sleep schedule--wake up at 7, back to sleep from 8 to 10. Naps again at 1 and 4, to bed at 7:30. Deviations upset her, but she bounces back. She has begun to really enjoy reading before sleeping, and she grasps the book in her drooly little hands and pretends to turn the pages. Sometimes she eats the pages, but that's ok too. She has been babbling up a storm. It's hysterical to listen to her talk to herself. She clearly has discovered her voice, and we want to encourage it.
Yesterday we put Mia in our brand new inflatable pool on the porch. She thought the water was interesting for a few minutes, but then preferred to "sit" on the edge and just dunk her feet. Our upstairs neighbor, Abraham, had much more fun. He brought cups into the pool and helped us empty the water by pouring it into the plants on our porch. He also poured the dirt from the plants into the water, but that's ok. Although we were kind of hoping that "swimming" counted as a bath.
Wednesday we are heading out on our first plane trip. It's a long flight--almost 6 hours there. Hopefully, Mia will sleep. We leave first thing in the morning, so it's almost like the flight covers her first nap and a little bit of her night sleep. I'm hoping with such an early flight that there won't be too many people to upset if she decides that plane travel is not for her.
We'll be back with pictures and updates next Monday.
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