Monday Morning Mia
(Updated with photos)

Mia's new toy from Ikea. (Sorry, pictures won't post. Will fix later)
One should never go to Ikea with a few dollars in one's pocket and an empty stomach. Ben, Mia and I trekked out to Ikea yesterday in the hopes of getting me a new desk and Mia a toy or two. We succeeded on both fronts, but also came home with a new duvet cover, a wine rack, plastic cups, and magazine holders, and we almost bought a new kitchen island. Perhaps they add a little something special to their cinnamon buns? We'll never know. We then went to Costco, which is next door, and bought a huge box of diapers (which will last probably 4 months, since we only use them at night and on trips), wipes, baby food, formula, Cheerios, and assorted other items. Suffice it to say we had leftovers for dinner.

Mia is now getting a bottle of formula here and there, which has been hugely freeing for me, I have to say. Ben can give her a bottle at night if needed, we don't have to worry about thawing out frozen milk and then watching it go to waste, and I can send her with formula to babysitting and if she doesn't want the bottle I don't feel horrible throwing it out. Mia seems to like it just fine, too. She's still nursing like a champ so I feel less guilty about the formula than I might otherwise. She is eating baby food and enjoying it, but not really taking to it that much. I think once she gets the finger foods she'll be very excited to eat, but in the meantime a tablespoon here and there is all she's interested in.
Big changes are about to happen here, we think. Mia is almost almost almost crawling, as you saw in the video. The mere anticipation is enough to keep her from sleeping. Naps have really stopped. But she's not upset, not at all. Just doesn't want to sleep, not one bit.
As soon as it happens, we'll be sure to update.
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