Priority Mail

Just had to post this one.
It's been a crazy week here. Mia is now the proud owner of two front teeth. They have just popped through the surface but they are very much there. On the right side a third is about to come through. I don't see any on the top, but I'm sure they are lurking. For the most part, Mia seems fine during the day. At night, however, the pain must really kick in. She has been pretty unhappy the last few nights. We have tried Tylenol, homeopathic teething tablets, and Motrin, but nothing seems to help much. At least we know that eventually the teeth will be through and she'll feel okay again. In the meantime, all we can do is hug her and stay up with her.
Also learned something interesting and not terribly surprising today. For the last two months, we've tried to feed Mia the standard baby foods--squash, peas, pears, rice cereal and the like. She'll eat a few bites here and there but has never been really thrilled about anything. We're lucky if we get four bites in. At lunch today, we learned the reason why. She wants REAL food. We gave her a few fingertips-full of guacamole and beans, and she smiled and ate and begged for more. The girl needs Mexican food! Why didn't we think of that earlier??
Have a happy weekend!
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