All things Baby, all the time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A day in the park

No not that one. The DeCordova sculpture park in Lincoln. We had once thought of having our wedding there, but CT made more sense from a logistical standpoint. That being said, we love the place, and wile Mia can't contain her enthusiasm at anything below a full roar, if we're going to expose her to art, it's best done outdoors. Nate abided the whole thing like a champ, but we'll be sure to take him back once he can run around and play in the grass as well.

(unfortunately, there were bees in that last piece and Mia got her first bee sting on her arm. The nearby gift shop had some ice for her, and after 2 minutes of crying, more in fear than pain I think, she was back to her bubbly self.)

And just to prove that we were there with them...

Lastly, poor Nate didn't get much time out of the stroller at the museum, so to keep things even, here are a few random shots of him having fun this week.


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