Cool Baby
We started planning for this baby the same way everybody does, by first saying, “We’re not going to be those kinds of parents”. We’re not going to feed our girl McDonalds. In fact, nothing but home grown organic roasted squash with some chives grown in a windowbox. And no TV or DVDs, we’re going to read to each other all the time. In fact, forget “Make way for ducklings”, we’re starting her off on Oliver Twist. And no Baby Gap clothes imprinting their brand on her young fertile mind. We’re just going to knit all her sweaters, hats, socks, etc. (or have grandparents do it for us). Gotta start them off early, and make sure no evil influences creep in.

(I don't think this Chicken is jewish)
Of course then I harken back to the kids that got picked on for being strange, and my fervor waivers. Now it seems it’s our responsibility to teach her, not just social skills, but appreciation for pop culture. She needs to know about the world she’s going to grow up in, and one day rule over. We can’t turn her into one of those east-coast-elietest-snobs that “..will NOT drink Merlot!” (i.e. into us). What favor would we do her to shelter her from all the world has to offer? How will she understand half the references in any Douglas Copeland or David Foster Wallace novel? Nope, our girl is going to be raised wicked cool.
(The new Nano, now with 50% more spit up)
At least that’s where the pendulum has swung today.
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