In Ben's absence...
I know you all came here to read Ben's latest and greatest blog update. Alas, Ben is trapped at an all-day workshop for his job, where he has no access to either his computer or sane conversation. So, you will have to read my daily musings.
I was going to write about my experience on jury duty on Monday. The injustice of the trial system, the fact that all of the defendants were African-American and almost all of the jurors seemed to be white, you get the idea. But then I couldn't come up with something coherent enough to share. But, in lieu of an actual meaningful post, I leave you with this:

Flushable diapers! Amazing! I think this is an option we will have to explore. Environmentally friendly, somewhat economical, no extra laundry. I am drawn to this concept. Of course, I am drawn to any concept that involves little babies crawling around in cute diapers. I am weak. This is not a secret. But this seems to solve the disposable/cloth debate that we have had around here. Granted, it was not a very long debate, but still. I think we will have to purchase a few of these and give them a test run. We will be sure to let you know the results, if you can wait patiently until then.
I promise Ben will be back tomorrow at the latest to share his musings, which inevitably are more exciting than diapers.
(Updated with image)
Of course, you guys can always try for the diaper free method.....
4:59 AM
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