All things Baby, all the time.

Monday, November 21, 2005

A Sad Indulgence

Sorry for the lack of posting lately, but have been hit with a nasty cold. On the upswing, but probably passed it on to Corrie. Sorry honey. The indulgence part of this comes in the hedonistic joy of taking an entire day to sleep on the couch enjoying fever-inspired visions to a mid-morning PBS soundtrack. Oh but these days will soon be missed.

For more context, go see The Secret Lives of Dentists. Hilarious movie about a marriage going through hard times. Campbell Scott delivers a fantastic performance of a father that comes down with the flu when his two daughters and wife also get sick. How parents manage to run around cleaning up vomit while feeling that bad is beyond me, at least for now.
So it’s coming up on Corrie’s turn to wallow in a pile of Kleenex and reruns of the Tony Danza Show. Enjoy yourself honey, we’re not allowed to get sick anymore after this.


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