A word on "Cletus"
Some time ago, before we learned the gender of our little snow pea (trying out pet names, seeing which one sticks) Corrie and I were uncomfortable referring to our baby as IT. However we didn’t want people to know what names we are considering (more on that topic soon). As a temporary placeholder we decided to refer to our child as Cletus the Fetus.
Nobody would steal that name from us, there was no chance of being offended if people thought the name unappealing (as it is intended), and it brought a smile to my face (my sense of humor being less appropriate than my better half).
Well, Cletus as a title was quickly and sharply abandoned as soon as we discovered that we were not the first to think of it. Sick world that it is, a pro-life group had already developed a comic book based on the life of Cletus the Fetus, who escaped from an abortion clinic and traveled the world trying to save Fetuses everywhere. (I am too offended by this to link to their site. If you want to find it, more power to you, but suffice to say they have a collection of Fetus toys and dolls from around the world. Collect the whole set if that is your cup of tea).

Know that it refers to our daughter. Additional suggestions for less-than-serious names welcome in the comment section of this post. Have fun with it.
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