7 weeks to go

We've got 7 weeks to go, if anybody is counting, so an update seems in order.
After a flurry of nesting mania, we're feeling good and prepared. Or at least as prepared as one can be. The nursery is painted. Crib is on order. Co-sleeper is jacked up to be level with our bed. We've got over 200 disposable diapers good for babies up to 18 lbs and over 600 baby wipes at the ready (thank you Costco). Car seat cover is washed in baby safe detergent, and double checked by a safety expert. We've been trained in infant CPR. Taking the hospital tour soon, just to get a sense of the playing field. All in all, feeling ready. Just have to fidget for another 7 weeks, give or take.
That being said, you may be barraged with a collection of short, stupid links over the next month or so. Need to keep our audience entertained, but at this point, we're just waiting.
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