Three months
Today was Mia's three month checkup. She's now 11 pounds 14 ounces, and 23 inches long. I thought for certain that she weighed closer to 13, but I suppose I guessed wrong. She almost rolled over on the doctor's table, much to my surprise. It was the first time she even seemed interested in getting onto her back from her stomach. She took her shots like a champ, but I, ever the coward, had to turn away. She doesn't feel well now, most likely in reaction to the shots.
It's amazing how quickly she is growing, even day by day. She has outgrown most of her newborn clothes and is now in the next size of diaper. We had to pack away her pajamas and onesies. She can now grab toys and jam them in her mouth. She is fascinated by her feet and the fact that they are attached to her and that she can move them. She babbles nonstop, day and night. Sadly, she has begun to "watch" tv, which means we'll need to get rid of it soon. She'll look at the colors and seems to be drawn to the Simpsons.
Before we know it she'll be eating solid foods and sitting up on her own. She might even grow some hair and get a chubby little belly. For now, though, she's just three months old. And just perfect.

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