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Friday, June 09, 2006

The great migration

We’ve noticed yet one more piece of evidence for Mia’s exceptional talent. She travels at night. It’s been previously documented that she can roll over from her stomach to back if she applies herself, but that only accounts for lateral movement. What we’re talking about here is more of a north-south trajectory.

When putting her down for the night, we’ve taken to placing her head closer to the edge of the crib. The idea was to avoid baby agoraphobia from the huge expanse of empty mattress, given her tiny body. She’s a dingy in a wide ocean in there. If she can see how close the edge is, perhaps she’ll feel more grounded. At least that was the original intention.

Going to sleep

When we come to her in the morning though, she is found to be closer to the center of the mattress, and still half asleep. Now I’ve tested the mattress with a ball bearing and didn’t find any slope that could explain this. And even on nights when she’s not swaddled, she too far away from the sides to reach out and push herself.
Waking up

Leaving us with two possibilities. She could be employing the “Flipper” method, in which repeated flops of her bound legs slowing shifts her south. Or the flying spaghetti monster might come through her window, whisk her off to a magical land for adventures and pie, only to bring her back home and put her slightly closer to the center of the crib than when she left.

So far the baby monitor has provided no evidence for either theory.


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