Real poo for my sham friends, and Shampoo for my real friends
Another Wednesday at home with my baby, and another raining day here in Boston. Probably for the best, we’ll do some short excursions for provisions, but otherwise have happy fun day at home playing with her toys. Actually, by popular request “Happy Fun Day” will be henceforth rebranded as “laundry and ironing day”. Would hate to give the impression that all days when I’m not home are neither happy nor fun, and in many respects, the new name is more accurate. She’s sleeping right now and Corrie is off to “the office”
Walter had a blast running in the rain this morning, particularly when he found a fresh pile of poo, thus the title of the post. I had to give him a shower before he rolled on our bed, so he’ll be pouting for the rest of the day now.
Last weekend we took Mia to her first wedding in upstate New York. Absolutely gorgeous setting and a good time was had by all. We sat at the back of the church with all the other parents, occasionally running out when our charges began to break down. My first introduction to what was previously an underground culture of dads playing with their kids outside of church. Corrie made her first sling especially for the occasion, but Mia wanted to be held instead for the most part.

Corrie and I continue to disagree in regards to reading to her, though I fear I may be defending a losing position. We both read to her when she’s calm enough but not wanting to sleep. It’s a question of material though. She’s far too young to pay attention to plot lines, and doesn’t really have the vocabulary at 15 weeks to pick up full sentences. The real benefit seems to be hearing the sound of our voice, and get used to watching the pages turn, etc. So if she isn’t really affected by the material read, and I’m struggling to inject passion into “Does a kangaroo have a mommy too?” (Thirty pages of that one sentence with a different animal each time). I have so far tended to read to her what I’m reading at that time anyway. Figure one of us should get something out of it at least. This is, I realize a losing argument, as she’s starting to get into the pictures.
She’s sleeping well for the most part these days though we have our eye on the dreaded “4 month regression” we’ve heard so much about. Apparently it’s fairly common for kids that are great sleepers to revert back to 3 hour naps once they realize where they are, which tends to happen around 4 months. We’ve got a week and a half to go to be precise, and so far no troubling signs. Further updates on that as events warrant.
For now though, if she keeps going to sleep around 8:00, we get our evenings back to be adults. Unfortunately that means we can’t leave the house, which, when the weather is nice is somewhat of a shame. Need to start having people over on weeknights more often just so we don’t spiral down into a vicious cycle of competitive backgammon every night. We had visions of family outings to get ice cream or enjoying sunsets, but given the alternative, I suppose it’s preferable to give that up.
No earth shaking epiphanies this week though. Just having fun being the same boring people. Tune in next time for more exciting adventures of the pleasantly content.
Walter had a blast running in the rain this morning, particularly when he found a fresh pile of poo, thus the title of the post. I had to give him a shower before he rolled on our bed, so he’ll be pouting for the rest of the day now.
Last weekend we took Mia to her first wedding in upstate New York. Absolutely gorgeous setting and a good time was had by all. We sat at the back of the church with all the other parents, occasionally running out when our charges began to break down. My first introduction to what was previously an underground culture of dads playing with their kids outside of church. Corrie made her first sling especially for the occasion, but Mia wanted to be held instead for the most part.

Corrie and I continue to disagree in regards to reading to her, though I fear I may be defending a losing position. We both read to her when she’s calm enough but not wanting to sleep. It’s a question of material though. She’s far too young to pay attention to plot lines, and doesn’t really have the vocabulary at 15 weeks to pick up full sentences. The real benefit seems to be hearing the sound of our voice, and get used to watching the pages turn, etc. So if she isn’t really affected by the material read, and I’m struggling to inject passion into “Does a kangaroo have a mommy too?” (Thirty pages of that one sentence with a different animal each time). I have so far tended to read to her what I’m reading at that time anyway. Figure one of us should get something out of it at least. This is, I realize a losing argument, as she’s starting to get into the pictures.
She’s sleeping well for the most part these days though we have our eye on the dreaded “4 month regression” we’ve heard so much about. Apparently it’s fairly common for kids that are great sleepers to revert back to 3 hour naps once they realize where they are, which tends to happen around 4 months. We’ve got a week and a half to go to be precise, and so far no troubling signs. Further updates on that as events warrant.
For now though, if she keeps going to sleep around 8:00, we get our evenings back to be adults. Unfortunately that means we can’t leave the house, which, when the weather is nice is somewhat of a shame. Need to start having people over on weeknights more often just so we don’t spiral down into a vicious cycle of competitive backgammon every night. We had visions of family outings to get ice cream or enjoying sunsets, but given the alternative, I suppose it’s preferable to give that up.
No earth shaking epiphanies this week though. Just having fun being the same boring people. Tune in next time for more exciting adventures of the pleasantly content.

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