Monday Morning Mia

Good morning!
All is well here at the BabyStoneJohnson house. Mia is asleep after a nice long walk in the park with Ben and Walter. I'm sore after my first run in at least 14 months, if not more. Walter is snoring on his blue armchair. It's not hot yet, although the weather man has promised us a scorcher.
This weekend Mia learned to enjoy her swimming pool. She spent the better part of half an hour on her stomach in the shallow wading pool, happy as a clam. Our previous attempt at "swimming" left her red-faced and crying, but now she is quite the little fish. Hopefully I'll be able to take her swimming in a pond or ocean soon enough. We've been talking about going out to Walden pond to swim with her friend Isabella, but so far we haven't been able to plan the trip. Maybe this week, with the hot weather.
Mia's grandmother was in town this weekend. Mia has logged quite a bit of grandparent time these past few weeks--last week in CT, this weekend here in Boston. We feel so lucky to have grandparents nearby who are able to spend so much quality time with her.
This week's newest excitement by far has to be the feet. She can grab them now. They aren't quite in the mouth yet, but I'm sure that's soon to follow. The joy of feet, however, seems to be keeping her awake. She can't stop grabbing them! At night when she goes into the crib, she will cry and grab them. I don't think they hurt, I just think they are so much fun that she can't stop the grabbing.
That's about it here. Sorry for the dull post, but since you only come for pictures anyway, here's a few. Newer photos will follow--they are just on other people's cameras.

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