Monday Morning Mia

It's another lovely Monday here at Chez StoneJohnson. Mia is sound asleep in her crib, Walter is napping in his chair, NPR is on the radio on the background. It's finally cool here, at least temporarily, and we all actually slept last night in the more temperate weather.
Mia is doing incredibly well. In addition to the rolling, she's also begun scooting. So, she'll go to sleep at the head of the crib, but wake up an hour or two later stuck at the other end of the crib. She needs help getting back over, but we don't mind too much. She can turn herself to get things that she wants, too. If the toy is far away, she can scoot herself around until she can reach it. It takes a while, but I'm sure she feels very proud of herself when she gets it.
This week begins Project De-Bink. Our pediatrician recommended that we start to take the pacifier away, as the older Mia gets, the more difficult it will be for us to take it away. We're going to ease into it. Yesterday we went for a long walk and didn't offer her the pacifier. She was pretty content, and only got mildly fussy toward the end. I just put her down for her nap and she didn't even need the pacifier. She just wanted Pinky, her stuffed cat, which she clutches in her little fists and pulls up to her face to snuggle. Adorable.
Teething seems to be on the horizon. "Teething" is pretty much a catch-all for any undesirable behaviors--fussiness, crying, biting, you name it. Our pediatrician told us the only way to be sure it's actually "teething" is when we see teeth. We have been checking, but so far no pearly whites. The biting has begun in earnest, though, so I think that teeth are really on the way. We'll be sure to keep you updated.
We didn't really take that many pictures this week. I'll post a few from a couple of days ago. These photos demonstrate her love of all things feet, and her new-found interest in gadgetry.

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