We're in trouble
She has acheived forward movement.
Last night I put her down in her crib, on her stomach, head facing north. Five minutes later, I go back to find her on her stomach, head facing south. Not sure exactly how she got from A to B. Could have flipped to the side than spun, could have sat up then fell flat again, or could have rotated 90 degrees, grabbed onto the side of the crib, stood, done a little jig, lost her balance and fell on her face. We'll never know.

This morning, after being awakened by a whining Walter, we checked in on her (second full night without a binky and all is well). She was practicing what can only be called the marine crawl, and had reached the end of her crib. What she planned on doing next we will never know, but in a limited way, she is now mobile.
Things are going to get oh so much more complicated from here on out.
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