loving the fall
Take your spring and summer. We're happy with the fall, particularly in New England. Leaves are changing, hasn't gotten too cold yet, and we're introducing the kid to the bounty of the harvest

We firmly embraced the world of parenthood last weekend with a trip to a "family friendly" farm for hayrides, petting zoo, and pumpkin pickin'. Mia of course got the best one. There's more we could say about the infinite patience on display at the checkout lines, with many a dad carrying well over their own body weight in pumpkins, while junior beats his sister, who spends her time tugging mom's pant leg for another candy apple. Mia of course was a joy throughout though, so we're not too scarred from the experience.

Carved up a jack-o-lantern for her this morning, but more than anything I think it just confused her. She's at that wonderful stage now though where she can't yet criticize my technique.

For those I haven't bragged to about this yet, I started my new job yesterday, and am loving every minute of it so far. I'm still with the City, but instead of doing single & 2-family homes:

I get to work on bigger, juicier projects:

Our girl is going through a bit of a sleep regression, waking up every 2 hours screaming to nurse. A phase we'll be happy to see the end of, sometime in the next week or two. Until then, just living off less sleep. People do it all the time.
As a final note, she is now comfortable with "Da" sounds. And yes there was a proud moment when she pointed at me and exclaimed, "DaDa", but then turned around to watch Walter pooping, pointed again and said "DADA". Maybe she just has a wry sense of humor.
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