Walter, boy genius?
Over the years, Walter has resorted to several rather crafty ways to get us out of bed. When he was smaller, he used to stand on Ben's chest in the bed. As he aged, he got even more wily. He would eat the paper in the trash can in our room, knowing we'd jump up to stop him and thus be out of bed. Even more sneaky, he'd steal our glasses off the nightstand and walk away with them, again knowing we'd jump up and thus be at his mercy.
This morning Walter bested even his own previous efforts.
The scene: Our bedroom, 5 am.
Walter comes to the side of the bed and whines to be taken out. Whine, whine, whine, but to no avail. He paws the bed, walks in circles around the room, whines some more, but no luck. He tries for about 15 minutes but we're not getting out of bed.
We then hear the pitter patter of his feet as he walks out of our room. Strangely, we then hear the pitter patter of his feet in the baby monitor as he walks into Mia's room and whines. She wakes up and cries. He knows we'll respond to her cry. We're up.
He's a genius.

A side note: Mia can now get to sitting by herself. She did it sort of accidentally Friday night, but now she can deliberately do it. Big changes around here now, folks.
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