Uh oh

She can roll over now.
Time to be extra careful about using the strap on the changing table and the bouncy seat. Time to be sure to keep her on the middle of the bed, not at the sides.
But oh, it was so cool! I just put her down on her stomach for a second, and she rolled right over. I assumed it was just my weight on the bed next to her that was giving her a downward slope, so I got up, and she did it again! We managed to capture a bit on video, but we can't use video on this site so you'll just have to believe us.
We had a wonderful weekend here. Grandma came up from Brooklyn, and Ben and I got a night out. We managed to stay out 3 hours, our longest time away together. Mia cried all night while we were gone, but she (and Grandma) recovered nicely. We went on a picnic with Isabella and her parents and had great fun in the outdoors. Hopefully we'll be doing more of that soon.
In sleep news, Mia has been sleeping 10 hours at a time at night. At least, she was until last night. But still! We've been putting her to sleep around 8, and she'll go straight until 6 without needing to be fed or changed. It has meant a good few nights of sleep for us, and she seems to be very happy when she wakes. Still working on the naps, but we're getting there.
That's all the Mia news for today. More soon.